Thursday, 21 May 2009

Camping under the stars

Before the weather gets too hot, we head out to the Eastern Region with the Grant family for a night's camping, with no tents!

Finn and Fraser look for a suitable place to make camp

Michelle decides this place will do!

Fraser intelligently protects his eyes from the setting sun

Who needs a playground when we can slide down the dunes?

Daddy arrives just before the sun sets and slips into 4 wheel drive

Steeper than it looks (or so he said)

Made it over the brow

Phoebe and Lotte tuck into fizzy drinks

Michelle & Tim strike a romantic pose as the sun dips towards the horizon

Night falls so we get the camp fire going and toast marshmallows

Even with all that sugar the children turn in early (well, 10pm-ish)

The grown-ups tuck into their own 'fizzy drinks' by moonlight

Up at the crack of 6am when the sun rises (we should have bought tents...)

After fried bacon butties for breakfast, we load the cars before the day gets too hot

Rosanna and Fraser do their best to help before we head home at 7.30am!

Observed by the locals as we speed home for a welcome shower to get rid of all that sand!

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