Monday, 15 June 2009

The Ushers come to Dreamland

We trek up to the Northern Emirates once again to show Polly, Will, Sam and Charlotte how to escape the ever-increasing temperatures

Lotte and Polly near the Water Bucket

Bruce and Daddy are caught under it!

Bruce keeps an eye on the twins from the safety of a mushroom

Nice and cool

Daddy helps Rosanna traverse the tricky (& very slippery) part of the floating obstacle course

Made it this far

Daddy sticks his chest wig back on and the men breathe in as some girls walk past

Time for some gentle paddling around

and keeping cool in the water with Charlotte

We love each other really

The next day sees the Usher children up bright and early at 6.20am!

Polly suits our 'Nurse' glasses

The boys were upstairs helping Masterchief conquer Halo 3 on the X-Box 360

while the girls practice their gymnastic routines downstairs

Daddy cooks a huge lasagne before we all head off the The Aquarium to see the sharks!

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