Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Lotte's 9th Birthday

Lotte turned 9 on the 14 of May!

The night before her birthday party we test lung capacity (and cake-eating skills) at a special Birthday BBQ in Alvorada 1

The big day arrives and Rosanna is collared to help with cake-making

Actually it's quite fun!

Meanwhile Lotte indulges in some shameless brand promotion

And at long last I can rid myself of the Rolfe monobrow!

The party girls try to look interested in the briefing for Laser-Tag (they've heard it before)

The (eventually victorious) Blue Team are pumped & ready for action. Especially Phoebe.

Then time for a celebratory lunch to restore energy levels

Daddy tries to eat up all the spare food without anyone noticing

The burgers are yummy!

The Mummy/Rosanna Haribo cake is an interesting design

Make a wish...

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